Storytelling Program
The YDC Storytelling Program is designed for young children from kindergarten aged to primary. So, the best interest of story-telling is to help children start reading books, (together or independently) and also building reading comprehension skills.
In Covid- 19, young children have lost meaningful in-person interactions. YDC understands the significance of ‘feeling connected’ in child development, so our online programs are to support children socially and also academically. However, online learning is tough for young children. Some children might already be stressed with online learning, so the Storytelling program doesn’t want to be a typical ‘teaching-learning’ session.
Children will read a variety of children’s books with a mentor and/or peers during a 30-40 mins session. The session will also include different reading response activities – games, discussion, drawing, word-work and summarizing and so more.
Please visit http://ydcuni.com or email us [email protected] / [email protected] for more information.