Welcome to Youth Dream Canada!
Please note that no amount is too small to give!
Donation method
- Donate via Paypal, Credit Card
- Donate via E-transfer
Email address of Youth Canada Dream for donating via E-transfer is as follows.
Email: [email protected]
Security Question: Your name or Company’s Name
Answer: YDC
*Please set all of the letters of the answer as capital letters
Ex 1. Security Question: Individual’s Name Answer: YDC
- Q. James Smith Answer: YDC
Ex 2. Security Question: Company’s Name Answer: YDC
- Q. PetSmart Answer: YDC
- Please make your cheque payable to Youth Dream Canada:
You may call to schedule pick-up arrangements.
Donate via Paypal, Credit Card
Donate now to provide needed support to YDC communities.
NPO Number: 1163011-3